The Alphabet Collection

Some may think I’m fictional, as my name is hidden and my form is illustrated, but you have come to know and love me as D. Want to know another secret? Well, I almost typed my whole name when I signed off on the first post for dUCK, but I erased it and just kept the D.

There are times when I think it’s silly that I’m so shy and want to remain anonymous. I’ve doubted myself a few times, but with just my initial – D, I’ve managed to build a brand that many are proud of. I didn’t have to put myself out there, and I’ve come to realise that a little mystery can go a long way. Who knew a simple D could bring women from different backgrounds and places across the world together!

So what’s in a name? It’s everything. In this social media age, we give a little bit too much of ourselves to the world. Sometimes it’s good to pull back and keep something for yourself. Celebrate the mystery in you, celebrate the D in you.

What’s your letter, love? – D.